Thursday, May 8, 2008

Level Shifter(upf)

Level shifter translates from one voltage swing to another.UPF provides set_level_shifter construct to achieve this.

Syntax :
set_level_shifter level_shifter_name
-domain domain_name
[-elements list]
[-applies_to ]
[-threshold value]
[-rule ]
[-location ][-no_shift]

Example :

UPF code
set_level_shifter my_ls
-domain PDgreen
-rule low_to_high
-location self
-applies_to outputs
-threshold 0.02

Here, the signal going from lower voltage (p5 or p6)to higher voltage(p7) get a
low_to_high level shifter when the voltage difference exceeds that specified threshold (0.02).

In our next blog we will discuss more on how UPF is used to define power distribution network (Defining power domain,supply port,supply net) and power states tables with examples.

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